National Institute of Food and Agriculture Federal Grants

Showing results 76-100 of 215 for National Institute of Food and Agriculture federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a National Institute of Food and Agriculture federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Integrated Programs
GENERAL: NIFA Integrated Programs provide support for integrated research, education, and extension activities. Integrated, multi-functional projects are particularly effective in addressing important agricultural issues through the conduct of...

Payments to 1890 Land-Grant Colleges and Tuskegee University
To support continuing agricultural research at colleges eligible to receive funds under the Act of August 30, 1890 (26 Stat. 417-419), as amended; 7 U.S.C. 321-326 and 328), including Tuskegee University, West Virginia State University and Central...

Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations Under the Hatch Act
To support agricultural research at State Agricultural Experiment Stations. Its purpose is to promote efficient production, marketing, distribution, and utilization of products of the farm as essential to the health and welfare of people and to...

Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom
The Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants (SPECA) program seeks to: (a) promote and strengthen secondary education and two-year postsecondary education in the food and...

Alaska Native Serving and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions Education Grants
The purpose of the Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian- Serving Institutions program is to promote equity and strengthen the ability of Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions to carry out...

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program / Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program
The SBIR/STTR programs are congressionally mandated and intended to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds to build a strong national economy by stimulating technological...

Animal Health and Disease Research
The purpose of this funding is to increase animal health and disease research activities at accredited State veterinary schools or colleges or agricultural experiment stations that conduct animal health and disease research. To support animal health...

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
The purpose of the SARE program, under assistance listing 10.215, is to encourage research and extension projects designed to increase knowledge concerning agricultural production systems that: (1) maintain and enhance the quality and productivity...

Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research
The purpose of the BRAG program Assistance Listing 10.219, is to support the generation of new information that will assist Federal regulatory agencies [USDAs Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Biotechnology Regulatory Services...

Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants
This grants program is designed to promote and strengthen higher education instruction in the food and agricultural sciences at the 34 Tribal Colleges designated as 1994 Land-Grant Institutions in the Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of...

Community Food Projects
The CFPCGP is intended to bring together stakeholders from distinct parts of the food system and to foster understanding of national food security trends and how they might improve local food systems. Understanding that low-income individuals...

Tribal Colleges Endowment Program
To enhance educational opportunities at the thirty-four (34) Land Grant Institutions by strengthening their teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences in targeted need areas. The legislation designates that the interest from the...

Cooperative Extension Service
GENERAL: The Cooperative Extension Service (CES) has an important role in reducing the impact of disasters through extension education. The Extension Special Needs program sponsors targeted projects that enable CES to assist in preparing for,...

1890 Institution Capacity Building Grants
To build the research and teaching capacities of the 1890 land-grant institutions and Tuskegee University through cooperative programs with Federal and nonfederal entities.

Cooperative Forestry Research
NIFA requests applications for the McIntire-Stennis (M-S) Cooperative Forestry Research Program for fiscal year (FY) 2024 to assist all states in carrying out a program of state forestry research at state forestry schools and colleges and developing...

1994 Institutions Research Grants
The Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program (TCRGP) (aka 1994 Institutions Research Program) is a competitive grants program supporting fundamental and/ or applied agricultural research projects that address high priority concerns of tribal,...

Higher Education National Needs Graduate Fellowship Grants
The purpose of the NNF Grants Program is to train students for Masters and/or doctoral degrees and provide additional postdoctoral training for Fellows who have completed their doctoral degrees at colleges and universities that have demonstrable...

Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants
To carry out research, to facilitate or expand promising breakthroughs in areas of the food and agricultural sciences of importance to the nation and to facilitate or expand on-going State-Federal food and agricultural research programs.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
Beginning farmer education for adult and young audiences in the United States can be generally traced back to the advent of the 1862 and the 1890 Morrill Land Grant Acts. But for the first time, the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub...

Specialty Crop Research Initiative Request for Pre-Applications (RFPA)
The purpose of the SCRI program is to address the critical needs of the specialty crop industry by awarding grants to support research and extension that address key challenges of national, regional, and multi-state importance in sustaining all...

Community Food Projects (CFP) Competitive Grant Program
In FY 2016 NIFA' s CFP intends to solicit applications and fund three types of grants. The types are entitled (1) Community Food Projects (CFP), (2) Planning Projects (PP) and (3) Training and Technical Assistance (T & TA) Projects. The primary...

Army Family Advocacy Program Incident Determination Committee Testing and Evaluation
NIFA is seeking applications from institutions that can demonstrate their ability to provide the overall management and completion of a project designed to test and evaluate multiple models for reviewing and determining maltreatment (domestic and/or...

Mathematics Curriculum Development for DoDEA Worldwide Department of Defense Schools
NIFA is seeking applications for the Mathematics Curriculum Development for Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Worldwide Department of Defense Schools (MATH) program to develop mathematics units for grades levels K-5 for DoDEA scholls...

Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program (MSP)
The purpose of this competitive undergraduate scholarship grant program is to increase the multicultural diversity of the food and agricultural scientific and professional workforce, and advance the educational achievement of all Americans by...

Cost Benefit/Effectiveness Analysis of Army Community Service (ACS)
Through the ACS program, the Army provides a balanced array of services to Soldiers, Army Civilians, and their Families of all Components to ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements to promote self-reliance and provide...