Unemployment Federal Grants

Showing results 26-50 of 128 for Unemployment federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Unemployment federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Native American Employment and Training
To support employment and training services for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian individuals in order to develop more fully the academic, occupational, and literacy skills of such individuals; to make such individuals more...

Rehabilitation Short-Term Training
To support special seminars, institutes, workshops, and other short-term courses in technical matters relating to the vocational, medical, social, and psychological rehabilitation programs, independent living services programs, and client assistance...

Special Oceanic and Atmospheric Projects
To strengthen the communication and improve the impact of hurricane, flood, and wildfire forecast modeling through the use of state of the art and emerging research and technologies within the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information...

Veterans Housing Direct Loans for Certain Disabled Veterans
To provide veterans who are eligible for a Specially Adapted Housing grant with a loan directly from VA in instances where a loan is necessary to supplement the grant, and home loans from private lenders are not available in the area where the...

Climate and Atmospheric Research
To develop the knowledge required to establish a predictive capability for short and long-term climate fluctuations by facilitating cooperation between government, university, and nonprofit research institutions. To enhance scientific knowledge of...

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) is a nutrition assistance program that may be operated at the request of a Tribe or Indian Tribal Organization (ITO) on an Indian reservation, approved areas near a reservation, or...

Indian Job Placement United Sioux Tribes Development Corporation
To provide job development, counseling, social adjustment guidance, and referrals to job training programs and other assistance programs through the United Sioux Tribes Development Corporation, located in Pierre, South Dakota.

Basic and Applied Scientific Research
To support and stimulate basic and applied research and technology at educational institutions, non-profits and other research organizations, which have potential for superiority in the improvement of naval operations, and to train and motivate...

Rehabilitation Training Technical Assistance Centers
To increase the number and quality of employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities through training and technical assistance to State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency personnel.

Adult Education National Leadership Activities
To support applied research, development, demonstration, dissemination, evaluation, and related activities that contribute to the improvement of adult education and literacy activities nationally.

Career and Technical Education - Grants to Native Americans and Alaska Natives
To make grants, cooperative agreements, or enter into contracts with Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and Alaska Native entities, to plan, conduct, and administer programs or portions of programs authorized by and consistent with the Carl D....

National Institutes of Health Intramural Loan Repayment Program
To recruit and retain health professionals performing research in fields required by the NIH to carry out its mission by providing educational loan repayment for participants with substantial amounts of educational debt relative to income, who agree...

Indian Rights Protection
To protect Indian rights guaranteed through treaty or statute by obtaining the services or information needed to litigate challenges to these rights.

Nurse Education, Practice Quality and Retention Grants
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Behavioral Health Integration (NEPQR-IPCP:BHI) Program: The purpose of this program is to increase the access to and quality of behavioral health services through behavioral health integrated team-based care...

Innovative Rehabilitation Training
This program is designed to: (a) Develop new types of training programs for rehabilitation personnel and to demonstrate the effectiveness of these new types of training programs for rehabilitation personnel in providing rehabilitation services to...

WIC Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
To provide low-income pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children up to age five who are determined to be at nutritional risk with supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition education, and referrals to health and social...

Community Development Block Grants/Special Purpose Grants/Insular Areas
To provide community development assistance to the Pacific Islands of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic...

Employee Benefits Security Administration
The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the civil and criminal provisions of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) as well as related provisions...

Applied Meteorological Research
NOAA/NWS also provides funding to external research partners to support the Unified Forecast System (UFS). The UFS is designed to provide more accurate forecast guidance through operational numerical weather prediction capabilities. Projects that...

Nursing Workforce Diversity
The objective of the NWD program is to increase the diversity of the nursing workforce by supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds in becoming registered nurses to decrease health disparities and increase health equity. The objective of...

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cooperative Institutes
To increase the effectiveness of research and develop innovative approaches to education in the environmental sciences by facilitating cooperation between government, university, and nonprofit research institutions.

Specially Adapted Housing for Disabled Veterans
To help certain severely disabled veterans acquire a home which is suitably adapted to meet the special needs of their disabilities.

Weather and Air Quality Research
Advance weather research, development, and transition to improve weather observations, modeling, computing, forecasts, warnings, social science, and communication for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy....

Community Services Block Grant
The objectives of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) are to provide assistance to states and local communities, working through a network of community action agencies (CAAs) and other neighborhood-based organizations, for the reduction of...

Workforce Data Quality Initiative (WDQI)
Address national employment and training issues through demonstrations, pilot projects, and applied research that have interstate validity and will aid policymakers and stakeholders in addressing these issues and for continuous improvement of the...