Training Federal Grants
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351-375 of 449 for Training federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Training federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
STARTALK is a federal grant program that provides funding and support to institutions to conduct K-16 language student education and teacher development programs of critical need languages that meet the national security and defense priorities....
The Native American and Native Hawaiian Library Services programs (NANH-L) are designed to assist Native American tribes and Native Hawaiians in improving core library services for their communities. NANH-L Basic Grants have two goals with two...
Building a strong and sustainable U.S. supply chain and supporting a wide range of diverse businesses by providing procurement assistance to businesses, fostering successful participation in federal, state, and local government contracts.
The John E. Fogarty International Center (FIC) supports research and research training to reduce disparities in global health and to foster partnerships between U.S. scientists and their counterparts abroad. FIC supports basic biological,...
Team Nutrition's goal is to improve children's lifelong eating and physical activity habits by using the principles of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Food Guidance System. The purpose of the FY 2022 Team Nutrition Training Grant...
To pay the Federal share of the cost of administration and operation of interdisciplinary centers that: (1) Provide interdisciplinary training for personnel concerned with developmental disabilities; (2) provide community service activities that...
State, territorial, and tribal agencies participating in this cooperative agreement program receive funds to support and strengthen their pesticide compliance programs, including pesticide compliance monitoring, inspection and enforcement...
To assist institutions and organizations, to establish, expand, and improve research, demonstration, education and information dissemination activities; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), biologics, blood and blood products, therapeutics,...
To promote the stability and security of American Indian tribes and families by protecting American Indian children and preventing the separation of American Indian families and providing assistance to Indian tribes in the operation of child and...
To provide advanced training to experienced personnel of local, county, State, and selected Federal law enforcement agencies, with special emphasis on developing each graduate as a capable manager or administrator for his own department. To afford...
The purpose of the Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) program is to promote economic and social self-sufficiency for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native American Pacific Islanders from American Samoa, Guam,...
To assist State, local health agencies, political subdivisions, and other government entities to conduct TB preventive health service programs to assist in carrying out tuberculosis (TB) control activities designed to prevent transmission of...
Under the Services to Victims of a Severe Form of Trafficking, the Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) has established the: - Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP) - Aspire: Child Trafficking Victim Assistance Demonstration Program -...
To identify international agricultural issues and problems and apply the most appropriate solutions in agricultural technical assistance and research. Implement capacity building projects that help U.S. trading partners understand and implement...
To educate and train the next generation of engineers and scientists to help develop and contribute to a highly skilled, inclusive, and competitive U.S. workforce and economy. The primary objective is to fund research at U.S. colleges and...
This program supports the development of effective state chronic disease programs to strengthen public health science and practice by addressing crosscutting functions, domains, settings, risk factors and diseases. Long-term outcomes include:...
The Delta Regional Authority works to improve regional economic opportunity by helping to create jobs, build communities, and improve the lives of the 10 million people who reside in the 252 counties and parishes of the eight state Delta region. Led...
The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) promotes a fair global playing field for workers in the United States and around the world by enforcing trade commitments, strengthening labor standards, and combating international child labor,...
Goal: The design of the program is to select a training and technical assistance (TTA) provider who will then develop a program that will directly assist local law enforcement with projects to gather, analyze, and disseminate pertinent information...
Prison populations across the country have been severely impacted by the increased incarceration of individuals with mental illness. Individuals with mental illness are often associated with higher recidivism rates due to their limited access to...
The purpose of this program is to issue Cooperative Agreements to assist the Office of the Secretary, Office of Wildland Fire (OWF) in facilitating communication, cooperation and coordination between Federal, State, and local partners in support of...
The purpose of this program is to support implementation of population-wide and priority population approaches to prevent obesity, diabetes, and heart disease and stroke and reduce health disparities in these areas among adults.
This ELC Competing Supplement addresses priority domestic capacity building around Ebola and other emerging and highly-infectious diseases. The Competing Supplement (1) provides additional resources to accelerate ELC activities around infection...
The objective of the project is to contribute to on-going efforts to reduce the morbidity, mortality and to break the chain of transmission of EVD by strengthening capacities at the district level of affected countries in western Africa to actively...
The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, Section 306, directed the United States Department of Agriculture to establish minimum national professional standards for all school nutrition employees who manage and operate the National School...