Department of Defense Federal Grants

Showing results 1-25 of 564 for Department of Defense federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Defense federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Advanced Manufacturing Technology - Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Program
OSD ManTech funds basic, applied, and advanced research to direct the development and implementation of DoD plans, programs, projects, activities, and policies that promote the development and application of advanced technologies to manufacturing...

Native American Consultation to Identify Sacred Sites and Traditional Cultural Properties
The overall objective is to work with Tribal representatives to identify sacred sites and traditional cultural properties (TCP) and achieve consensus on best cultural resources protection practices. The intent is to gain tribal insight and input on...

Dredged Material Containment Area
inspect, ditch and drain dredged material containment areas related to dredging operations performed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District in the Savannah Harbor

Military Health Services Research (MHSR)
The Military Health System Research (MHSR) Program, provides intramural grants for topic areas directed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD (HA)) and the Defense Health Agency (DHA). The intent of this...

1. STARBASE 2.0 is an afterschool, middle and high school mentoring initiative conducted in partnership with local school districts that combines STEM activities with a relationship-rich, school-based environment to provide the missing link for...

Defense Security Cooperation University - Sponsored Research
The Defense Security Cooperation Agencys (DSCA) Defense Security Cooperation Universitys (DSCU) mission is to advance the knowledge and practice of security cooperation by producing research, analysis, and lessons learned that expand the...

Army National Guard Army Compatible Use Buffer Program
The Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) program provides assistance awards to eligible entity that is either a State or political subdivision of a State or a private entity that has as its stated principal organizational purpose or goal the...

Management of Undersirable Plants on Federal Lands, 7 U.S.C. 2814
The purpose of the cooperative agreement is to manage undesirable plants on Federal Lands. The goal is to facilitate interagency coordination between state and federal governments, which is the only way to affect undesirable plant control on a...

Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program (CWIFP)
CWIFP enables local investment in critical non-Federal dam safety projects that enhance community resilience to flooding, promote economic prosperity, and improve environmental quality by providing long-term low-cost credit assistance to non-Federal...

DoD Mentor-Protege Program
The Department of Defense (DoD), Mentor Protege Program was established in October 1991 to expand and enhance small business participation in DoD contracting opportunities and expand the technical capabilities, capacity and overall growth of...

Past Conflict Accounting - Vietnam
The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State, is authorized to carry out a cooperative program with the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam to assist in accounting for Vietnamese personnel missing in action. (b) PURPOSE.The...

Transportation - DASH 102X and WMATA 7M Shuttles
Objective is to provide Transportation between the Mark Center, the Pentagon, and the City of Alexandria, VA. This will be awarded by the City of Alexandria DASH 102X Shuttle and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) 7M Shuttle...

Defense Community Infrastructure Program
Assist state and local governments with addressing deficiencies in community infrastructure to, in order of priority, enhance military value (to include critical infrastructure), cadet training at covered educational institutions, installation...

Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program
The Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program funds direct awards, primarily through the Military Services, in support of innovative partnerships between DoD installations, conservation partners, and state and local...

Pacific Center Disaster (PDC) Program
Enable PDC to stimulate research, development, evaluation and deployment of advanced tools and applications to aid in disaster monitoring, early warning, and decision support for disaster management communities and the general public. Thus, the...

The purpose of the OnRamp II program is to foster educational partnerships between the Agency and academic institutions to promote the health of a diverse pipeline of students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

Upper San Pedro Partnership Support
To assist in the execution of the Upper San Pedro Partnerships (hereafter referred to as Partnership) long-range planning document, the mission of which is to meet the long-term water needs of the Sierra Vista (SV) Subwatershed by achieving...

CyberSecurity Core Curriculum
To meet future national security challenges, the NSA (and other DoD and Federal Agencies/Components) partner with institutions of higher education to develop the cybersecurity talent and tools need by: Funding skill development programs like summer...

Civil Air Patrol Program
The purposes of the Civil Air Patrol are: to encourage and aid citizens of the United States in contributing their efforts, services, and resources in developing aviation and in maintaining air supremacy; to encourage and develop by example the...

Defense Production Act Title III (DPA Title III)
To create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore domestic industrial base capabilities essential for the national defense.

Past Conflict Accounting
The United States has made a sacred promise to its citizens that it will bring home with dignity all those who have served. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) is responsible for determining the fate of our missing and, where possible,...

Troops to Teachers Grant Program
The goal is to facilitate employment of eligible members of the armed forces in schools identified in 10 U.S.C. 1154.

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Establishment or Expansion of a Military Installation
Assist States and local governments to: plan and carry out local adjustments in local public services and facilities, workforce training programs, and other community economic development activities in response to the proposed or actual expansion,...

Training and Support – Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction
To support and stimulate training and collaborative efforts for solutions to combat or counter weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Fisher House Foundation
To implement Congressionally-directed assistance to the Fisher House Foundation, Inc. The Fisher House Foundation, Inc. builds homes at military and veterans medical centers to provide lodging to family members supporting a wounded, seriously ill,...


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