Department of Defense Federal Grants

Showing results 201-225 of 564 for Department of Defense federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Defense federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


DoD Neurofibromatosis Clinical Trial Award
The NFRP Clinical Trial Award supports research with the potential to have a major impact on the treatment or management of NF. Clinical trials may be designed to evaluate promising new products, pharmacologic agents (drugs or biologics), devices,...

DoD FY15 Neuromusculoskeletal Injuries Award
The FY15/16 JPC-8/CRMRP Neuromusculoskeletal Injuries Research Award (NMSIRA) is intended to support preclinical research and clinical trials on the reintegration after injury, functional utility of assistive devices related to the human-device...

DoD Multiple Sclerosis Investigator-Initiated Research Award
The MSRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award mechanism is being offered for the first time in FY15. The Investigator-Initiated Research Award supports highly rigorous, high-impact research projects that have the potential to make an important...

DoD Multiple Sclerosis Pilot Clinical Trial Award
The MSRP Pilot Clinical Trial Award (PCTA) mechanism is being offered for the first time in FY15. The PCTA supports early-phase, proof-of-principle clinical trials to investigate hypothesis-based, innovative interventions that have the potential to...

FY15 Peer Reviewed Cancer Idea Award with Special Focus
The Idea Award with Special Focus supports innovative, untested, high-risk/potentially high-reward concepts, theories, paradigms, and/or methods in cancer research that are relevant to active duty Service members, their families, and other military...

NAD Water Safety Intern Opportunity
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the leading federal provider of outdoor recreation and attracts over 335 million visitors annually to our lake and river projects in 43 states. Encouraging public safety for those recreating at our projects...

FY15 Peer Reviewed Cancer Career Development Award
The PRCRP Career Development Award supports independent, early-career investigators to conduct impactful research with the mentorship of an experienced cancer researcher (i.e., the Designated Mentor) as an opportunity to obtain the funding,...

FY15 Peer Reviewed Cancer Translational Team Science Award
The FY15 PRCRP Translational Team Science Award (TTSA) is new for FY15 and supports translational correlative studies associated with an existing or completed clinical trial that could lead to a future clinical application or the next-phase clinical...

Molls Cove Stream Restoration
The Patuxent River Naval Air Station (NAS), Webster Field Annex, in St. Mary’s County, Maryland was purchased and developed in 1943 to serve as an outlying field for NAS Patuxent (PAX) River and as a dispersal field in the event of possible...

DoD FY15 Autism Idea Development Award
The Autism Research Program (ARP) Idea Development Award supports the development of innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate progress in improving outcomes for...

DoD FY15 Autism Clinical Trial Award
The FY15 Autism Research Program (ARP) Clinical Trial Award seeks applications from all areas in clinical research, and strongly encourages applications that address the critical needs of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) community in the following...

DoD Peer Reviewed Medical Clinical Trial Award
The PRMRP Clinical Trial Award supports the rapid implementation of clinical trials with the potential to have a significant impact on a disease or condition addressed in at least one of the Congressionally directed FY15 PRMRP Topic Areas. Clinical...

DoD Peer Reviewed Medical Discovery Award
The intent of the PRMRP Discovery Award is to support innovative, untested, high-risk/ potentially high-reward research that will provide new insights, paradigms, technologies, or applications. Studies supported by this award are expected to lay the...

DoD Peer Reviewed Medical Focused Program Award
The PRMRP Focused Program Award mechanism is intended to optimize research and accelerate the solution for a critical question related to a designated FY15 PRMRP Focused Program Award Topic Area through a synergistic, multidisciplinary research...

DoD Peer Reviewed Medical Investigator-Initiated Research Award
The PRMRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award is intended to support studies that will make an important contribution toward research and/or patient care for a disease or condition related to at least one of the Congressionally directed FY15 PRMRP...

DoD Peer Reviewed Medical Technology/Therapeutic Development Award
The PRMRP Technology/Therapeutic Development Award is a product-driven award mechanism intended to provide support for the translation of promising preclinical findings into products for clinical applications, including prevention, detection,...

DoD Lung Cancer Career Development Award
The Career Development Award supports early-career, independent investigators to conduct impactful research under the mentorship of an experienced lung cancer researcher as an opportunity to obtain the funding, mentoring, and experience necessary...

DoD Lung Cancer Clinical Exploration Award
The LCRP CEA mechanism was first offered in FY13. Since then, 35 CEA applications have been received, and 5 have been recommended for funding. This award mechanism supports early-phase, proof-of-principle clinical trials and correlative studies to...

Building Resource Adaptive Software Systems (BRASS)
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the areas of formal methods, program analysis, compiler design, and runtime and virtual machine implementation to realize tools for the construction of long-lived, survivable, and scalable...

Sole Source Cooperative Agreement with SCA
The US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District intends to enter into a sole source cooperative agreement with SCA for assistance in GIS/GPS, forestry, wildlife management and the promotion of public safety at five projects within the Mississippi...

Care and Rehabilitation of Injured, Ill and Orphaned Migratory Birds and Other Terrestrial Wildlife, San Diego, Ca.
The purpose of this Cooperative Agreement is to provide care for and rehabilitate injured, ill and orphaned birds and other terrestrial wildlife, excluding marine mammals, by a licensed wildlife rehabilitation agency or organization in compliance...

Management of Undesirable Plants on USACE Project Lands at The Dalles and John Day Dams
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) intends to award a cooperative agreement on a sole source basis to the Klickitat County Weed Control Board for the management of undesirable plants on US Army Corps of Engineers project lands at The Dalles and...

Fledgling eagle banding is needed in order to determine whether or not eagles seen in Bird Airstrike Safety Hazards (BASH) potential aircraft strike locations (or involved in strikes) are from resident installation nests or other nests located off...

NOAA Atlas 14 Volume for Texas
The purpose of Atlas 14 is to determine annual exceedance probabilities (AEP) and average recurrence intervals (ARI) for precipitation durations ranging from 5 minutes to 60 days and for ARIs from 1 to 1,000 years. After researching historical...

Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP)
Opportunity for a cost sharing cooperative agreement to establish a Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) to provide procurement technical assistance to Idaho businesses. The Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP), which is...


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