Libraries, Information and Statistics Federal Grants

Showing results 76-100 of 185 for Libraries, Information and Statistics federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Libraries, Information and Statistics federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


2015 Visiting Fellows: Criminal Justice Statistics Programs
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is publishing this notice to announce that it is seeking applications for funding for one or more BJS Visiting Fellows to work in its Criminal Justice Statistics Program. The purpose of this program is to...

FY 2015 State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers Technical Assistance Program
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is publishing this notice to announce the Technical Assistance Program to support activities under the State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers (SJS-SAC) in fiscal year 2015. The...

FY 2015 Graduate Research Fellowship Program for Criminal Justice Statistics
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applications under its Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program. This program provides awards to accredited universities for doctoral research that uses criminal justice data or statistical series...

Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies
The Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA), enacted July 29, 2010, requires the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to establish and implement a tribal data collection system (P.L. 111- 211, 124 Stat. 2258, § 251(b)). Coverage of Indian country crime and...

Survey of State Attorney General Offices
The SSAGO is a new component of BJS’s efforts to collect federal, state, and local data about prosecution and adjudication. The successful applicant will work with BJS to develop three surveys to measure the activities of all state AG offices...

FY 2015 National Criminal History Improvement Technical Assistance Program (NCHIP TA)
Through this solicitation, BJS is seeking a national technical assistance service provider to support the goals and objectives of its National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) and NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP). Direct...

National Wildlife Refuge System, Inventory and Monitoring
The Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) initiative nationally coordinates the design, collection, retention and analysis of critical scientific information spanning the Refuge System, enabling wildlife refuges to adapt their management and deal with ...

Annual Survey of Jails in Indian Country, 2016-2019
This award will provide funding through a cooperative agreement to administer annually the Survey of Jails in Indian Country (SJIC) data collection and analysis activities for four iterations of the survey: 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. The SJIC is...

Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ): Design and Testing
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applications for funding to conduct research on the instrument and sampling design and to create and pilot test an instrument and sampling method for the next iteration of the Survey of Inmates in...

National Prisoner Statistics Program (NPS) and National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP), 2015-2019
The NPS and NCRP are BJS’s flagship data collections measuring the size and composition of state and federal prison populations on an annual basis. The two collections complement each other by obtaining aggregate and detailed individual-level...

FY 2015 NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP)
The NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, Pub. L. 110-180 (NIAA or the Act), was signed into law on January 8, 2008, in the wake of the April 2007 shooting tragedy at Virginia Tech. The Virginia Tech shooter was able to purchase firearms from a...

North Carolina Zoo
THIS IS A NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD TO A SINGLE SOURCE, AND THERE IS NO FULL ANNOUNCEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) intends to award a grant agreement to The North Carolina Zoo for increasing...

Ecoregional (Southern Rockies) Native Plant Program Grant
1. The Network will develop and sustain a body of at least 40 contributing Ecoregion partners by December 31, 2015. 2. The Network will provide 5 percent of the estimated native seed market with ecotypic seed in five years (by 2020) to Ecoregion...

FY 2015 National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
BJS is publishing this notice to announce the continuation of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, identify the program priorities, and provide information on application requirements. The goal of...

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on Firearms Violence Reduction
NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation of programs, practices, and policies designed to reduce firearms violence. This solicitation aims to strengthen our knowledge base and improve public safety by supporting projects with a high potential...

Liberia Media Development (LMD)
The United States Agency for International DevelopmentÂ’s (USAID) mission in the Republic of Liberia (USAID/Liberia) intends to award a Cooperative Agreement to implement the Liberia Media Development (LMD) Program. The primary goal of the...

FY15 Funding Guidance for Great Northern LCC
Under this FY15 Great Northern LCC Funding Guidance, the US Fish and Wildlife Service Mountain-Prairie Region (FWS R6) is requesting project proposals in support of the Great Northern LCC. Awards issued pursuant to this announcement will be...

Enhancing Fish Passage research by Integrating Civil Engineering and Fish Biology-Ecology Applied Theories and Practices.
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: a. share in the responsibilities for determining and assessing the direction of the overall research program through frequent communication and coordination with project cooperators to...

Estimating greater prairie chicken population size and sampling of aquatic habitats in the Fint Hills of Kansas
Collect baseline data on terrestrial and aquatic species that can be used to evaluate the Surrogate Species conservation approach in the Flint Hills of Kansas. Survey Greater prairie-chicken in the Flint Hills using the same methods McDonald et al....

Create Discover Nature Apps
The San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex is looking to develop a GPS directed app to use as a interactive, informative and fun interpretive experience for visitors to these areas. The app should be built on an interactive game and GPS driven...

Effective Mobile and Digital Communication for Audio Description of Unigrid Print Brochures
United State Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS) Notice of Intent to Award. This is not a request for applications. This posting is to provide public notice of NPS' intention to fund the following project activities without full...

Notice of Intent to Award to FIU
This is a Notice of Intent to award to FIU for $166,000 for the South Florida Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network Undergraduate internship and training program Vegetation Mapping. No proposals will be accepted.

Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of Stones River National Battlefield
This scope of work addresses the need to conduct research to identify, document, and assess ethnographic resources within or near Stones River National Battlefield. Broadly described, the Ethnographic Overview and Assessment (EOA) will be conducted...

Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of Kings Mountain National Military Park
This scope of work addresses the need to conduct research to identify, document, and assess ethnographic resources within or near Kings Mountain National Military Park. Broadly described, the Ethnographic Overview and Assessment (EOA) will be...

The United States Department of Interior, The National Park Service (NPS), and Everglades National Park are announcing a notice of intent to award; this is not a request for applications. This funding opportunity is to provide public notice of...