Rural Housing Service Federal Grants

Showing results 1-19 of 19 for Rural Housing Service federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Rural Housing Service federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Multi-Family Housing Non-Profit Transfer Technical Assistance Grants
Provides grants to qualified nonprofits (NP) and public housing authorities (PHA) which will in turn provide technical assistance to RHS MFH borrowers and applicants to facilitate the acquisition of Section 515 properties by NPs and PHAs.

Farm Labor Housing Technical Assistance Grants
Provide grant funds to qualified private and public nonprofit (NP) agencies to provide technical assistance to other qualified organizations to obtain loans and grants for the construction of domestic and migrant farm labor housing projects.

Rural Development Multi-Family Housing Rural Housing Voucher Program
The Rural Housing Voucher Demonstration program is designed to provide rental housing assistance vouchers to tenants in properties that pay off their Rural Development mortgage. The amount of this subsidy is the difference between the comparable...

Rural Multi-Family Housing Revitalization Demonstration Program (MPR)
To preserve and revitalize existing rural rental housing and farm labor housing projects financed by RHS under Section 515 and Sections 514/516 of the Housing Act of 1949 and to ensure that sufficient resources are available in order to continue to...

Rural Community Development Initiative
To develop the capacity and ability of private, nonprofit community-based housing and community development organizations and low income rural communities to improve housing, community and economic development projects, and community facilities in...

Rural Housing Preservation Grants
To assist very low- and low-income rural residents individual homeowners, rental property owners (single/multi-unit) or by providing the consumer cooperative housing projects (co-ops) the necessary assistance to repair or rehabilitate their...

Rural Rental Assistance Payments
To reduce the tenant contribution paid by low-income families occupying eligible Rural Rental Housing (RRH), Rural Cooperative Housing (RCH), and Farm Labor Housing (LH) projects financed by the Rural Housing Service (RHS) through its Sections 515,...

Rural Rental Housing Loans
To provide economically designed and constructed rental and cooperative housing and related facilities suited for rural residents.

Rural Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance
Self-Help Technical Assistance Grants provide financial assistance to qualified nonprofit organizations and public bodies that will assist very low and low-income individuals and their families build homes in rural areas by the self help method. Any...

Section 538 Rural Rental Housing Guaranteed Loans
This program has been designed to increase the supply of affordable multifamily housing in rural areas through partnerships between Rural Development and major lending sources, as well as State and local housing finance agencies and bond insurers....

Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans and Loan Guarantees
To assist very low, low-income, and moderate-income households to obtain modest, decent, safe, and sanitary housing for use as a permanent residence in rural areas.

Very Low-Income Housing Repair Loans and Grants
Section 504 loans and grants are intended to help very low-income owner-occupants in rural areas repair their properties.

Community Facilities Loans and Grants
To construct, enlarge, extend, or otherwise improve community facilities providing essential services to rural residents.

Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants
To provide decent, safe, and sanitary low-rent housing and related facilities for domestic farm laborers.

Rural Housing Site Loans and Self Help Housing Land Development Loans
To assist public or private nonprofit organizations interested in providing sites for housing; to acquire and develop land in rural areas to be subdivided as adequate building sites and sold on a cost development basis to families eligible for low...

Technical and Supervisory Assistance Grants
To assist low-income rural families in obtaining adequate housing to meet their family's needs and/or to provide the necessary guidance to promote their continued occupancy of already adequate housing. These objectives will be accomplished through...

Direct Housing-Natural Disaster
To assist qualified lower income rural families to meet emergency assistance needs resulting from natural disaster to buy, build, rehabilitate, or improve dwellings in rural areas. Funds are only available to the extent that funds are not provided...

Direct Housing-Natural Disaster Loans and Grants
To assist qualified recipients to meet emergency assistance needs resulting from natural disaster. Funds are only available to the extent that funds are not provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). For the purpose of...

Housing Application Packaging Grants
To package single family housing applications for very low- and low-income rural residents in colonias and designated counties who wish to buy, build, or repair houses for their own use and to package multi-family housing applications for...


Federal Grants Resources