Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Federal Grants

Showing results 1-9 of 9 for Office of Community Oriented Policing Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Office of Community Oriented Policing Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


CHP provides funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. 2016 CHP grants will cover up to 75 percent of...

This solicitation is being announced as an open competition targeted at state law enforcement agencies authorized by law or by a state agency to engage in or to supervise anti-heroin and other opioid investigative activities. Funding is limited and...

This solicitation is being announced as an open competition targeted at state law enforcement agencies authorized by law or by a state agency to engage in or to supervise anti-methamphetamine investigative activities. Funding is limited and this...

Community Policing Development (CPD) funds are used to advance the practice of community policing in law enforcement agencies through training and technical assistance, demonstration projects, the development of innovative community policing...

Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Grants
The COPS Office was established in 1994 to assist state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies in enhancing effectiveness and building the capacity to advance public safety through the implementation of community policing strategies. Community...

This solicitation is being announced as an open competition targeted at state law enforcement agencies authorized by law or by a state agency to engage in or to supervise anti-heroin and other opioid investigative activities. Funding is limited and...

This solicitation is being announced as an open competition targeted at multijurisdictional task forces composed of federal, state, and local partnerships to address gang activity. CAGI provides funds directly to the lead law enforcement agency on...

This solicitation is being announced as an open competition targeted at state law enforcement agencies authorized by law or by a state agency to engage in or to supervise anti-methamphetamine investigative activities. Funding is limited and this...

Troops to COPS
Troops to COPS grants are designed to encourage the hiring of recently separated members of the armed forces to serve as law enforcement officers. Grants are to be used by law enforcement agencies for expenses associated with the hiring of new...


Federal Grants Resources