National Institutes of Health Federal Grants

Showing results 101-125 of 2,067 for National Institutes of Health federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a National Institutes of Health federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00)
The purpose of the NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) is to encourage and retain outstanding graduate students who have demonstrated potential and interest in pursuing careers as independent cancer researchers. The...

Small Grants for New Investigators to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (R21)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide support for New Investigators from backgrounds nationally underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral research to conduct small research projects in the scientific mission...

BRAIN Initiative: SBIR Direct to Phase II Next-Generation Invasive Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (U44)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage small business concerns (SBCs) to pursue a small clinical study to obtain critical information necessary to advance recording and/or stimulating devices to treat central...

BRAIN Initiative: Next-Generation Invasive Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (U44)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage small business concerns (SBCs) to pursue translational non-clinical studies and clinical studies for recording and/or stimulating devices to treat nervous system disorders...

Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Development Award in Aging (K76)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to develop of a cadre of talented scientists prepared and willing to take an active leadership role in transformative change that will lead to improved health care outcomes.

Fogarty Global Injury and Trauma Research Training Program (D43)
The overall objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to strengthen injury and trauma research capacity at academic institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) through support for research training programs.

Ancillary Studies to the NIDDK Intestinal Stem Cell Consortium (R01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications to conduct ancillary studies to the NIDDK Intestinal Stem Cell Consortium (ISCC). Studies will make use of consortium collaborations, techniques or resources to accelerate research...

Exploring Epigenomic or Non-Coding RNA Regulation in HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse (R01)
The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate innovative hypothesis-driven research to enhance our understanding of the role of epigenomic or non-coding RNA regulatory mechanisms in HIV/AIDS infection or disease trajectory...

Availability of Administrative Supplements to NIGMS Predoctoral Training Grants (Admin Supp)
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) announces the availability of funds for Administrative Supplements to NIGMS-funded predoctoral T32 training grants. These funds are designed to provide support for the development and...

BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early - Stage Research for Large - Scale Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21)
A central goal of the BRAIN Initiative is to understand how electrical and chemical signals code information in neural circuits and give rise to sensations, thoughts, emotions and actions. While currently available technologies can provide some...

Research Projects to Enhance Applicability of Mammalian Models for Translational Research (R01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications for projects to expand, improve, or transform the utility of mammalian cancer and tumor models for translational research.This FOA replaces PAR-14-241, "Research...

Collaborative Research Projects to Enhance Applicability of Mammalian Models for Translational Research (Collaborative R01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications for collaborative R01 projects from multi-disciplinary teams to expand, improve, or transform the utility of mammalian cancer and tumor models for translational...

Applied Research Toward Zero Suicide Healthcare Systems (R01)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is intended to support applied research that advances the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention's Zero Suicide goal of preventing suicide events (attempts, deaths) among individuals receiving...

NIDCD Early Career Research (ECR) Award (R21)
The NIDCD Early Career Research (ECR) Award (R21) is intended to support both basic and clinical research from scientists who are beginning to establish an independent research career. It cannot be used for thesis or dissertation research. The...

Specialized Centers in Research in Pediatric Developmental Pharmacology (U54)
The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to announce the re-competition of the Research in Pediatric Developmental Pharmacology Centers Program (RPDP).The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human...

Tropical Medicine Research Centers (U19)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications from institutions/organizations that propose to conduct research on the causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of tropical diseases in endemic areas. The...

U.S.-China Program for Biomedical Collaborative Research (R01)
The purpose of the U.S.-China Program for Biomedical Collaborative Research is to stimulate collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research between United States (U.S.)-based researchers and Chinese researchers in the areas of allergy,...

Natural History of Disorders Identifiable by Screening of Newborns (R01)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) encourages applications that propose to develop studies that will lead to a broad understanding of the natural history of disorders that already do or could potentially benefit from early identification by...

Development and Translation of Medical Technologies to Reduce Health Disparities (SBIR) (R43/R44)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) that propose to develop and translate medical technologies aimed at reducing disparities in...

Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Drug Abuse Research (R21)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support pilot, feasibility or exploratory research in 5 priority areas in substance use epidemiology and health services, including: 1) responses to sudden and severe emerging drug issues (e.g. the...

NHLBI Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA) (R35)
The purpose of the NHLBI Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA) is to promote scientific productivity and innovation by providing long-term support and increased flexibility to experienced Program Directors (PDs)/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs) who...

NHLBI Early Investigator Award (EIA) (R35)
The purpose of the NHLBI Emerging Investigator Award (EIA) is to promote scientific productivity and innovation by providing long-term support and increased flexibility to Program Directors /Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs) who currently have two...

Systems Biology Approaches in HIV/AIDS and Substance Use (R01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support systems biology research projects that address critical questions in HIV/AIDS research in the context of drugs of abuse.Substance use and abuse present unique challenges for...

Revision Applications for Assay Validation For High Quality Markers For NCI-Supported Clinical Trials (U10)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to improve the development and validation of molecular diagnostics for the treatment, control, or prevention of cancer. This FOA includes, but is not limited to, the validation of...

Innovative Technologies for Cancer-Relevant Biospecimen Science (R21)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits grant applications proposing exploratory research projects focused on the early-stage development of technologies that improve the quality of the samples used for cancer research or clinical care....