Department of Energy Federal Grants

Showing results 276-281 of 281 for Department of Energy federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Energy federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


University Nuclear Science and Reactor Support
To provide financial support for research design, analysis, and assessments in science and technology in fields related to nuclear energy.

National Energy Information Center
To serve as the central Energy Information Administration (EIA) office for providing energy information and assistance in support of Federal agencies, State and local governments, the academic community, industrial and commercial organizations, and...

Laboratory Equipment Donation Program
To assist United States institutions of higher education in equipping their science and engineering laboratories for energy-related research and/or instructional purposes.

National Industrial Competitiveness through Energy, Environment, and Economics
This program is in close-out. Financial assistance will not be provided in the future.

Nuclear Legacy Cleanup Program
For nuclear waste disposal activities to carry out the purposes of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, Public Law 97425, as amended (NWPA); to conduct appropriate activities and participate in licensing activities in accordance with the NWPA.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information
To advance science and sustain technological creativity by making research and development (R&D) results available, findable and useable to the Department of Energy (DOE) researchers and the public. To collect, preserve, disseminate, and...