Bureau of Reclamation Federal Grants

Showing results 26-50 of 470 for Bureau of Reclamation federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Bureau of Reclamation federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Coordination and Project Development of Fish Habitat Projects in the Grande Ronde Sub-basin
The objective of this FOA is to invite eligible applicants to submit proposals that, with the financial assistance, will facilitate the development of fish habitat improvement projects in the Grande Ronde Sub-basin. Eligible applicants will...

Bay-Delta Restoration Program: CALFED Water Use Efficiency Grants
The Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region, intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), Bay-Delta Restoration Program: CALFED Water Use Efficiency Grants, for a Grant Agreement(s) pursuant to the authority of Section 9504(a) of...

Development, Coordination, and Monitoring of Fish Habitat Projects in the Methow Sub-basin
On June 1, 2015, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) entered into a cooperative agreement, R15AC00027, Cascade Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group (CCFEG) to act as a “Project Sponsor” for project efforts to improve fish habitat in the...

Central Valley Prjoect Improvement Act FY 2016
The Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) is a multi-agency effort headquartered in Weaverville, California with the goal to restore and sustain natural production of anadromous fish populations downstream of Lewiston Dam to pre-dam levels by...

Lewiston Orchards Project Pilot Water Exchange
LOID is a special government district formed to distribute water to users within the LOID district area. In 2010, Reclamation and LOID conducted an appraisal investigation to evaluate alternative water sources for the Lewiston Orchards Project...

Evaluation and Coordination of Pacific Lamprey Activities in the Yakima River Basin
Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is working with Yakama Tribal Nation (Nation) to investigate potential effects of Reclamation facilities on adult and juvenile Pacific lamprey, and where appropriate, make recommendations for either further study...

Central Valley Project Conservation Program and Central Valley Project Improvement Act
The CVPCP implements actions that will protect, restore, and enhance special-status species and their habitats effected by the CVP, with a special emphasis on federally listed species.

Grant Soil and Water Conservation District (GSWCD)
With this financial assistance, GSWCD will provide the technical and administrative skills required to complete planning and design of ongoing habitat improvement projects in the John Day Sub-basin. Habitat projects are implemented on state and...

Oversight and Monitoring of Identified Projects which will provide Fish Habitat Improvement in the Methow Subbasin
With this financial assistance MSRF will provide pre-implementation and planning efforts to include coordination and facilitation of planning meetings, project management, pre-project data collection, development of the preferred design, landowner...

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling of Lake Roosevelt
Water temperature and total dissolved gas (TDG) in the Columbia River is strongly influenced by the storage and release of water from projects like Grand Coulee Dam. Previous work has produced a temperature model (CE-QUAL-W2) of Lake Roosevelt for...

Fish Habitat Improvements at Sterling WMA
With this financial assistance IDFG will continue to improve upland and wetland habitat at the Sterling WMA, and to enhance the environment for resident and migratory game and non-game species by: 1) rehabilitation of old farm fields; 2) planting...

Long-Term Curation of Reclamation-Controlled Collections and Archeological Fieldwork for Unanticipated Discoveries
Long-Term Curation of Reclamation-Controlled Collections and Archeological Fieldwork for Unanticipated Discoveries of Property Under Reclamation Jurisdiction and Archeological Fieldwork for Unanticipated Discoveries

Suisun Marsh Preservation Agreement
Execute and implement the agreement between the Department of the Interior, the State of California, and the Suisun Resource Conservation District to ensure a dependable water supply of adequate quantity and quality for the protection and...

Central Valley Project Conservation
Provide financial support for activities to benefit federally listed endangered and threatened terrestrial species to compensate for impacts to species resulting from the operation and maintenance of the Central Valley Project (CVP) of California.

FISH-ABLE Fun with Reclamation
To provide opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged children to use and enjoy public waters and related lands; to assist Reclamation in meeting its goal to provide accessible programs, facilities and activities to create a positive outdoor...

Navajo-Gallup Water Supply
To provide financial assistance to design and construct portions of the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project (Project).

Eastern New Mexico Rural Water System
Provide potable surface water to communities in Eastern New Mexico.

Cooperative Watershed Management
Reclamations WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program (CWMP) provides funding to grassroots, local watershed groups to encourage diverse stakeholders to develop collaborative solutions to address their water management needs. A watershed...

San Joaquin River Restoration
The objective of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP) is to implement the Stipulation of Settlement in NRDC, et al., v. Rodgers, et al., consistent with and as supplement by, the San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Act. The...

Applied Science Grants
The objective of the Applied Science Grants is to improve access to and use of hydrologic data as well as to develop and improve water management tools and improve modeling and forecasting capabilities. Results from these projects will be used by...

White Mountain Apache Tribe Rural Water System
Pursuant to the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010, the Bureau of Reclamation, through an Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act contract, is to plan, design, and construct the Rural Water System as...

New Mexico Rio Grande Basin Pueblos Irrigation Infrastructure
Rehabilitate and repair irrigation infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos to conserve water and help address potential conflicts over water in the Rio Grande Basin.

SECURE Water Act – Research Agreements
To fund research activities that are designed to conserve water resources, increase the efficiency of the use of water resources, and/or enhance the management of water resources, including increasing the use of renewable energy in the management...

Arizona Water Settlement Act of 2004
Pursuant to the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the Secretary of the Interior was directed to construct or fund construction of various facilities that are contractable pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act,...

Lake Tahoe Regional Wetlands Development
To assist in addressing the past degradation of Lake Tahoe and its watershed by undertaking projects to meet the environmental thresholds as defined in the Tahoe Regional Planning Agencys Environmental Improvement Program (EIP). The environmental...