Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership ¿ Tracking and Monitoring


Monitoring is a critical function in determining the survival of Whooping Cranes at various life stages in the reintroduced eastern migratory population. This includes monitoring habitat use, pairing, nesting and breeding activity during the spring, summer and fall to help evaluate the effectiveness of the program and opportunities for improvement. The proposed project consists of 1. Manage and monitor each project, program, sub-award, function and or activity supported by this award in accordance with 43 Code of Federal Regulations 12.951. 2. Monitor all released cranes in this population year-round using conventional radio transmitters and satellite telemetry equipment. This includes monitoring habitat use, pairing, nesting and breeding activity during the spring, summer and fall to help evaluate the effectiveness of the program and opportunities for improvement. 3. Manage data on survival, movements and behavior in the project database. 4. Complete the habitat use analysis of whooping crane monitoring data to determine home range size, determine nesting territory characteristics, and develop predictive model of suitable whooping crane breeding habitats in Wisconsin.

General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Deleted 07/13/2012 (Archived.)
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Agency: Department of the Interior
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
Number of Awards Available
Who is eligible to apply/benefit from this assistance?
Applicant Eligibility
There is not an application process for this funding opportunity. This is a notice of intent to award a single source grant to the International Crane Foundation under justification 505DM 2.14B(1) and (4).
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Application Procedure
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
This program does not have cost sharing or matching requirements.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Headquarters Office
Peter Fasbender, 920-866-1725
Website Address
E-mail Address
Financial Information
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Awards range from $25,000.00 to $25,000.00


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