Education, Secondary (High School) Federal Grants

Showing results 1-18 of 18 for Education, Secondary (High School) federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Education, Secondary (High School) federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth
To test innovative, cost-effective, and outcome-focused strategies to achieve significant improvements in educational, employment, and other key outcomes for disconnected youth. The Departments of Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services, as...

Farm to School Training and Technical Assistance
The Farm to School program (10.575) exists in order to assist eligible entities, through grants and technical assistance, in implementing farm to school programs that improve access to local foods in eligible schools. Training and technical...

Office of Inspector General
Basic Research, Educational Outreach, or Training Opportunities in the area of Office of Inspector General.

Office of Inspector General funds (Treasury Account Symbol = 80-0109-0-1-252) will be used to fund NASA Federal Financial...

Agriscience Awards
To encourage and promote "cutting edge" innovation in the field of Agriscience.

School Improvement Grants
To support competitive subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) that demonstrate the greatest need for the funds and the strongest commitment to use the funds to provide adequate resources to raise substantially the achievement of students in...

Mathematics and Science Partnerships
To improve the academic achievement of students in mathematics and science by encouraging States, institutions of higher education (IHEs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and elementary and secondary schools to participate in programs that:...

Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology
To guarantee that future teachers are proficient in the new learning technologies they will find in their twenty-first century schools, teacher preparation programs are encouraged to form partnerships that will insure that teachers have mastered the...

National Center for Research Resources
The National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) provides laboratory scientists and clinical researchers with the environments and tools they need to understand, detect, treat, and prevent a wide range of diseases. This support enables discoveries...

Star Schools
To encourage improved instruction in mathematics, science, and foreign languages as well as other subjects, such as literacy skills and vocational education. To serve underserved populations, including the disadvantaged, illiterate, limited-English...

Tech-Prep Education
This program provides assistance to States to award grants to consortia of local agencies and postsecondary education institutions for the development and operation of programs consisting of the last two years of secondary education and at least two...

Vocational Education-Occupational and Employment Information State Grants
To promote improved career and education decision making by individuals.

Advanced Placement Program (Advanced Placement Test Fee; Advanced Placement Incentive Program Grants)
To award grants to State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and national nonprofit educational organizations with expertise in advanced placement services to support State and local efforts to increase access to advanced placement...

Area Health Education Centers Infrastructure Development Awards
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care act, Public Law 111-148, amended the PHS Act, Section 751, Area Health Education Centers. The required program activities in the amended legislation embrace the following goals to: (1) educate and train...

High School Graduation Initiative
To support effective, sustainable and coordinated dropout prevention and reentry programs in high schools with annual dropout rates that exceed their State average annual dropout rate. Middle schools that have students who continue on to these high...

Education Technology State Grants
To provide grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) on a formula basis to (a) improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in schools; (b) assist all students in becoming technologically literate by the end of eighth grade;...

Foreign Language Assistance
To support innovative model programs of foreign language study in public elementary and secondary schools.

Territories and Freely Associated States Education Grant Program
To support activities consistent with the purposes of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, including teacher training, curriculum development, instructional materials or general school improvement and school reform, and direct educational...

Learn and Serve America-School and Community Based Programs
To encourage elementary and secondary schools and community-based agencies to create, develop, and offer service- learning opportunities for school- age youth; educate teachers about service- learning and incorporate service-learning opportunities...


Federal Grants Resources