Office of Policy Development and Research Federal Grants

Showing results 1-20 of 20 for Office of Policy Development and Research federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Office of Policy Development and Research federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Eviction Protection Grant Program
The overall purpose of the Eviction Protection Grant Program is to support experienced legal service providers, not limited to legal service corporations, in providing legal assistance at no cost to low-income tenants at risk of or subject to...

Research, Evaluation, and Demonstrations
This is a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) from the Department of Housing and Urban Developments (HUD) for Research and Evaluation, Demonstrations. Through this NOFA, HUD plans to solicit applications for cooperative agreements to engage in...

Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building
Community Compass brings together technical assistance funding appropriations from across HUD program offices, including the offices of Community Planning and Development, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Housing, Public and Indian Housing, and...

General Research and Technology Activity
What all funding does this listing include? All Core R&T activities (per the PDR Congressional Justifications)? If so, the description/objective should be more broad to include discussion of the other work PDR does with these funds, e.g., Housing...

Transformation Initiative: Rental Assistance Demonstration Small Research Grant Program
To support research projects that will produce policy-relevant new knowledge about the implementation and consequences o HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), which allows proven financing tools to be applied to at-risk public and assisted...

Transformation Initiative: Choice Neighborhoods Demonstration Small Research Grant Program
The purpose of this effort is to develop and implement small scale research projects that build upon the larger Choice Neighborhood Demonstration research project. The goal of this research program is to fund research related to Choice Neighborhoods...

Fellowship Placement Pilot Program
The fellowship program will be a competitive program that provides funding for early to mid-career professionals to work for two year terms in local government positions to supplement existing local capacity. Fellows will be deployed to pilot...

Strong Cities Strong Communities (SC2) National Resource Network
The purpose of the SC2 National Resource Network is to help strengthen local communities and spur economic growth. The SC2 Network will provide economically distressed communities with short-term technical assistance in basic operational areas as...

Transformation Initiative Research Grants: Natural Experiments
The purpose of this effort is to provide funding to support scientific research that makes use of natural experiments to evaluate the impact on local, state, and federal policies.

Transformation Initiative Research Grants: Demonstration and Related Small Grants
The Office of Policy Development and Research is conducting several major demonstrations through contract studies in the following areas: Family Self-Sufficiency; Pre-Purchase Counseling; Sustainable Building Practices; and Homeless Families...

Transformation Initiative Research Grants: Sustainable Community Research Grant Program
The purpose of this effort is to fill key data and information gaps, and to begin to develop and evaluate policy alternatives that communities can adopt to facilitate decision making about various community investments. Additionally, the HUD...

Universities Rebuilding America Program - Community Design
To provide funds to schools of architecture, urban planning and design, or construction at accredited two- and four-year colleges and universities to establish and operate partnerships with and for communities affected by Hurricanes Katrina or Rita...

Community Development Work-Study Program
Under the Community Development Work-Study Program(CDWSP), HUD will make grants to institutions of higher education, either directly or through areawide planning organizations or States, for the purpose of providing assistance to economically...

Community Outreach Partnership Center Program
This program funds partnerships among institutions of higher education and communities to solve urban problems through research, outreach and exchange of information.

Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants
To enable doctoral candidates enrolled at institutions of higher education accredited by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education to complete their research and dissertations on policy-relevant housing and...

Early Doctoral Student Research Grants
To enable pre-candidacy doctoral students enrolled at institutions of higher eduction accredited by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Eduction to cultivate their research skills through the preparation...

Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting Communities
To assist Hispanic-Serving Institutions of higher education (HSIs) expand their role and effectiveness in addressing community development needs in their localities, including neighborhood revitalization, housing, and economic development,...

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program
To assist Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) expand their role and effectiveness in addressing community development needs in their localities, including neighborhood revitalization, housing, and economic development, principally...

HUD Urban Scholars Fellowship Grants
To provide financial encouragement to scholars with recent Ph.D.s and academic appointments at institutions of higher education to undertake research now, and throughout their careers, on research topics of interest to the Department of Housing and...

Tribal Colleges and Universities Program
To assist Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) build, expand, renovate, and equip their own facilities, and to expand the role of the TCUs into the community through the provision of needed services such as health programs, job training, and...


Federal Grants Resources