National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Federal Grants
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1-25 of 62 for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Identifying and documenting incremental risks and mitigating controls with robust criteria related to the disaster relief funding; Noting the applicability of the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 to disaster relief funds; Documenting the...
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) seeks to stimulate technological innovation in the private sector, strengthen the role of small businesses in meeting federal research and development needs, increase private sector commercialization of...
The OAP plays an integral role in maintaining long-term monitoring; conducting research designed to enhance the conservation of marine ecosystems sensitive to ocean acidification; promoting ocean acidification educational opportunities; engaging in...
This BAA is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through NOAA's competitive discretionary programs.
The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAAs) RESTORE Science Program is to carry out research, observation, and monitoring to support the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem, fish stocks, fish habitat, and the...
To provide grants and cooperative agreements to help identify, determine sources of, assess, reduce, and prevent marine debris and its adverse impacts on the marine environment and navigation safety within the coastal United States, territories, and...
1. Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management; 2. Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society's Ability to Plan and Respond; 3. Serve Society's Needs for Weather...
To provide matching grants of financial assistance in support of coral reef conservation programs and projects that preserve, sustain, and restore U.S. and international coral reef ecosystems.
To support projects aimed at the development and sustainability of a national and international integrated ocean observing system designed to collect, monitor and disseminate marine environment data in an interoperable, reliable, timely and...
To explore the Earths largely unknown oceans in all their dimensions for the purpose of discovery and the advancement of knowledge, using state of the art technologies in evolutionary and revolutionary ways within Oceanic and Atmospheric Research...
The objectives of the overall program are to facilitate educational activities related to NOAA's mission of science, service and stewardship. Awards may support the education of children, youth, and/or adults through informal or formal (K-16)...
To provide assistance to eligible States and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission in order to support and encourage the development, implementation, and enforcement of effective interstate conservation and management of Atlantic Coastal...
Provides direct loans for certain fisheries costs. Vessel financing available for the purchase of used vessels or the reconstruction of vessels (limited to reconstructions that do not add to fishing capacity). Refinancing available for existing debt...
The Competitive Research Program (CRP), part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), supports the development of actionable information and tools that improve how the nation...
To compensate U.S. commercial fishermen for damage/loss of fishing gear and 50 percent of resulting economic loss due to oil and gas related activities in any area of the Outer Continental Shelf.
To increase the effectiveness of research and develop innovative approaches to education in the environmental sciences by facilitating cooperation between government, university, and nonprofit research institutions.
To provide financial assistance for research and development projects that will provide information for the living marine resources of Chesapeake Bay. In addition, assistance is provided for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education and Training...
To ensure that the hygienic aspects of seafood harvesting and processing operations meet the minimum public health requirements and to determine and certify the identity, condition, and distributing quality, and quantity of seafood products.
This is a cooperative program that assists the States in salmon restoration and in fulfilling responsibilities under the Pacific Salmon Treaty by providing administrative management. Support is provided to treaty Indian tribes for salmon recovery...
To develop the knowledge required to establish a predictive capability for short and long-term climate fluctuations by facilitating cooperation between government, university, and nonprofit research institutions. To enhance scientific knowledge of...
Two programs exist in this CFDA: A.The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is a program office within the National Ocean Service (NOS) that provides the authoritative coordinate system for all positioning activities in the Nation. Known as the National...
This cooperative program provides support to State fishery agencies to enhance their data collection and analysis systems to respond to coast wide and insular area fisheries management needs. The program supports fisheries data collection and...
To support projects aimed at developing a science-based, multi-dimensional approach that will allow for the maintenance or improvement of environmental quality while at the same time allowing for economic growth.
To provide grants and cooperative agreements for habitat conservation activities including coastal and marine habitat restoration and protection. Projects are funded to carry out public policy pertaining to protection and restoration of the Nation's...
The objectives of the eight Regional Fishery Management Councils are to prepare, monitor and revise fishery management plans and data collection programs for domestic and foreign fishing within the 200-mile U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This...