Highway Planning and Construction
This Assistance Listing encompasses several transportation programs: 1) Federal-aid Highway Program: The purpose of the Federal-aid Highway Program is to assist the States in providing for construction, preservation, and improvement of highways and bridges on eligible Federal-Aid routes, (including the National Highway System (NHS) - an integrated, interconnected transportation system important to interstate commerce and travel), and for other special purpose programs and projects. This program also provides for the construction and improvement of highways in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 2) The Federal Lands Highway Program: The Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP) provides assistance to the Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMAs) for Federally-owned roads and trails. It provides transportation engineering services and funding for planning, design, construction, and rehabilitation of the highways and bridges that are on or provide access to federally owned lands. The Federal Lands Highway organization also provides training, technology deployment, and engineering services to other customers. 3) The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs (IIJA) Act also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) is a once-in-a-generation investment in our infrastructure that will help grow the economy, enhance U.S. competitiveness, create good jobs, and build our safe, resilient, and equitable transportation future. BIL provides the basis for FHWA programs and activities through September 30, 2026. It makes an investment of $350 billion in highway programs. This includes the largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the Interstate Highway System. New programs under the BIL focus on key infrastructure priorities including rehabilitating bridges in critical need of repair, reducing carbon emissions, increasing system resilience, removing barriers to connecting communities, and improving mobility and access to economic opportunity. Many of the new programs include eligibility for local governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Tribes, and other public authorities, allowing them to compete directly for funding. BIL also continues to focus the program on safety and performance-based investment and on accelerating project delivery through expedited environmental review and elimination of duplicate processes. 4) The Highway Infrastructure Programs in the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2018, included two new discretionary programs: Competitive Bridge Program and Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program. The Competitive Bridge Program was appropriated $225 million to be used for highway bridge rehabilitation or replacement projects for States that have a population density of less than 100 individuals per square mile and that demonstrate cost savings by bundling multiple highway bridge projects.
General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
A - Formula Grants; B - Project Grants; Z - Salaries and Expenses
Program Accomplishments
Fiscal Year 2016 Colorado: Reconstruct the US 34 Big Thompson Canyon corridor, which serves as the access to Rocky Mountain National Park) from Loveland to Estes Park. Washington: Westbound I-90 between Peoh Road Bridge and Elk Heights Road – Replace/Rehab Concrete Pavement. Construction Contract Amount $17,712,492.11 Maryland: MD 5 at Brandywine Road (MD 373/MD381) interchange construction. The project will be awarded soon. EE$34.2 M
Fiscal Year 2017 FHWA details accomplishments in several publications, including the FHWA's Conditions and Performance report: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/2015cpr/
Fiscal Year 2018 Arizona -- FHWA awarded a $6 million Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) grant to the Arizona Department of Transportation for the Loop 101 Mobility Project in Maricopa County. The grant will be used by the Arizona DOT to improve safety and existing capacity on the Phoenix area’s Loop 101 corridor by deploying technologies that support Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) systems, public transportation and other real-time information technologies.
Fiscal Year 2020 During the first 3 quarter of FY2020, FHWA obligated over $19 Billion dollars on more than 26 thousand projects to fund the Highway Planning and Construction program.
Fiscal Year 2023 Idaho - Construction to rebuild nearly eight miles of I-90 from the Big Creek Exit to the West Wallace Exit.
Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), Public Law 114-94, 23 U.S.C. 104
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Public Law 117-58, 23 U.S.C. 104
Who is eligible to apply/benefit from this assistance?
Applicant Eligibility
By law, the Federal-aid highway program is a federally assisted State administered program that requires each State to have a suitably equipped and organized transportation department. Therefore, most projects are administered by or through State transportation departments (State DOTs). Projects to be funded under the Federal-aid highway program are generally selected by State DOTs or MPOs, in cooperation with appropriate local officials, as specified in 23 U.S.C. and implementing regulations. Territorial highway projects are funded in the similar manner as other Federal aid highway projects, with the territorial transportation agency functioning in a manner similar to a State transportation department. Most FLTP projects are administered by the FHWA Office of Federal Lands Highway and its Divisions or by the various FLMAs.
Beneficiary Eligibility
State transportation departments, and in some instances, Federal agencies, other State agencies, local agencies, and private, community-based organizations.
Eligible activities and allowable costs will be determined in accordance with Title 23 and the OMB cost principles applicable to the recipient/sub-recipient.
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Pre-Application Procedure
Preapplication coordination is required. An environmental impact assessment is required for this listing. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review. Environmental investigation, reviews, and consultations are required for most projects under this program and must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, although the level of review varies with the project. Concerning Executive Order 12372 -- Projects under the FLHP have similar requirements; however, an interested applicant would need to contact the designated FLMA or the local FLH Division for more information.
Application Procedure
2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards applies to this program. The FHWA has a Stewardship and Oversight Agreement with each State that details the extent to which the State assumes the responsibilities of the FHWA for projects in that State. States may assume the responsibilities of the FHWA for oversight of design and construction for projects that are on the NHS, including the Interstate System, unless the State or the FHWA determines that such assumption is not appropriate. For projects that are not on the NHS, the State shall assume the responsibilities of the FHWA for oversight of design and construction, unless the State determines that such assumption is not appropriate. The State DOT may be required to submit statements of work and plans, specifications, and estimates for certain projects to their respective FHWA division office for approval.
Award Procedure
The State DOTs generally decide which projects will be developed within funding categories and levels. The FHWA division office, located in each State, approves and executes a project agreement for each project before work can commence. There are several categories where funding is allocated at the discretion of the Secretary of Transportation and administered by the FHWA. When such funding is available, FHWA will solicit applications for candidate projects from the States. Projects administered by the FHWA Office of Federal Lands Highways or the FLMAs are subject to procurement processes identified in the Federal Acquisition Regulations. Project awards are subject the availability of funds.
Contact the headquarters or regional location, as appropriate for application deadlines
Approval/Disapproval Decision Time
From 1 day to 5 months.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
How are proposals selected?
To be eligible, most projects must be located on public roads that are not functionally classified as minor rural collectors and local roads. The major exceptions are bridges not located on Federal-Aid highways; highway safety activities; bicycle and pedestrian projects, transportation alternatives and enhancement activities, the recreational trails program, and planning, research, development, and technology transfer. Proposed projects meeting these and other planning, design, environmental, safety, etc., requirements can be approved on the basis of State and local priorities within the limit of the funds apportioned or allocated to each State.
How may assistance be used?
1) Federal-aid highway funds may be used for environmental studies, engineering and design services, right-of-way acquisition and relocation assistance, and construction for capital improvement projects classified as new construction, reconstruction, restoration, rehabilitation, resurfacing and preservation, or for functional, geometric, or safety reasons. Funds may also be used for planning; research, development, and technology transfer; intelligent transportation systems projects; roadside beautification; wetland and natural habitat mitigation; traffic management and control improvements; improvements necessary to accommodate other transportation modes; development and implementation of performance and asset management systems; billboard removal; construction of bicycle facilities and pedestrian walkways; fringe and corridor parking; car pool and van pool projects; transportation alternatives and enhancements such as scenic and historic highway improvements; and recreational trails. Funds generally cannot be used for routine highway operational activities, such as police patrols, mowing, snow plowing, litter control, or maintenance, unless it is preventative maintenance. Eligibility criteria for the various programs differ, so program guidance should be consulted. Federal-aid highway projects in metropolitan areas must be based on a transportation planning process carried out by a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in cooperation with the State, local officials, and transit operators. The projects must be included in the metropolitan transportation plan (MTP) and the transportation improvement program (TIP). Projects in non-metropolitan areas of a State must be consistent with a statewide transportation plan. Projects in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas must also be included in a fiscally constrained Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) developed as part of the required statewide transportation planning process. The FHWA and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) must approve the STIP jointly. Projects under the FLTP are also subject to metropolitan and statewide planning requirements.
2) Funding from the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) is generally limited to projects on the NHS, which includes the Eisenhower Interstate System.
3) Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) funds may be used on any Federal-aid highway or for bridges and tunnels on any public road.
4) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds are limited to projects that reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads, including non-State-owned roads and roads on tribal land. The HSIP requires a data-driven, strategic approach to improving highway safety on all public roads with a focus on performance.
5) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program funds are limited to projects and programs that reduce transportation related emissions air quality non-attainment and maintenance areas for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter, though provision is made for States without air quality issues.
6) Funding from the National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) is generally limited to projects that contribute to the efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN), and are consistent with metropolitan and statewide transportation planning requirements. Beginning December 4, 2017, there are additional planning requirements related to the NHFP in that a State may not obligate NHFP funds apportioned to the State unless the State has developed a State Freight Plan (SFP). The NHFP strategically directs resources and policies to present solutions and strategies to address the infrastructure, institutional, and financial bottlenecks that hinder the safe and efficient movement of goods.
7) The FAST Act established the Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects (NSFHP) program to provide financial assistance—competitive grants, known as FASTLANE grants, or credit assistance—to nationally and regionally significant freight and highway projects that align with the program goals.
What are the requirements after being awarded this opportunity?
Performance Reports: The FHWA division office in each State is responsible for the stewardship of Federal–aid highway funds in that State. They accomplish this using a variety of techniques ranging from program, process, and compliance reviews to involvement in individual Federal-aid projects. State DOTs have assumed oversight responsibilities for most Federal-aid highway projects. The FHWA division office will retain project approval actions that are either required by Law or based on a risk approach. The FHWA division office also may retain additional project approval action or get involved in some projects that have been designated Projects of Division Interest based on a risk approach. Certain non-construction activities, such as transportation planning, require periodic progress reports. Similar procedures apply to the FLMAs and FLTP projects with the FHWA Office of Federal Lands Highways providing the mandatory stewardship and oversight. Value engineering (VE) is required for Federal-aid projects on the National Highway System (NHS) with a cost of $50 million or more; Federal-aid bridge projects on the NHS with a cost of $40 million or more; and Federal-aid major projects on or off the NHS. Although VE is not required on design-build projects, FHWA does encourage that agencies perform a VE analysis. The FHWA Division Office may require VE reviews on projects below the minimum threshold if the project may benefit from the review. For more information visit: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ve/. Project sponsors must submit annual financial plans and project management plans to FHWA for all major projects. A major project is defined as any project receiving Federal financial assistance for construction, with an estimated total cost of $500,000,000 or more. In addition, project sponsors must prepare annual financial plans for all projects with an estimated total cost of $100,000,000 or more that are not designated as major projects. These annual financial plans must be submitted upon request by FHWA Division Offices. The FAST Act requires FHWA to establish national performance measures and standards for safety, infrastructure condition, congestion reduction, system reliability, and freight movement. State DOTs and MPOs will set individual performance targets and must make significant progress toward achieving targets established for the National Highway Performance Program and Highway Safety Improvement Program. State DOTs will be required to periodically report to FHWA on their progress toward the achievement of their targets. FHWA will use these progress reports and performance data to determine if the State DOT has made significant progress toward the achievement of their targets as well as meeting national standards.
Not applicable.
Project records and documents must be retained by the State or other governmental recipients/ sub-recipients as specified in 2 CFR 200.333. For the Federal Lands Highway Program, the Federal Lands Highway Divisions maintain the project records.
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Statutory Formula: Title 23 Part 104 23
Matching is voluntary. 20%. Typically, 80% of costs are federally funded with a 20% matching requirement. See 23 USC 120. Exceptions apply; contact FHWA for specific information.
This program has MOE requirements, see funding agency for further details. Additional Information:
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Federal-aid highway funds generally become available at the beginning of the fiscal year for which they are authorized and must be obligated within 3 years after the close of that fiscal year. However, some categories of funds are available until expended. For formula funds, FHWA issues a notice of apportionment on October 1 of each fiscal year based on the authorizing legislation and appropriations act (or continuing resolution) for the applicable year. Contract authority
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Regional or Local Office
See Local Agency Offices Additional Information: Multiple, see www.fhwa.dot.gov for specific State offices. State-level division offices of the Federal Highway Administration (as listed in Appendix IV of the Catalog) or State transportation agencies. 152 Headquarters Office:
Headquarters Office
Peter Stephanos
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590 US
Phone: (202) 366-0027
Website Address
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Salaries and Expenses) FY 22$60,734,401,257.00; FY 23 est $60,828,825,737.00; FY 24 est $60,923,250,217.00; FY 21$49,720,776,726.00; FY 20$45,312,247,996.00; -
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Federal-aid highway funds are provided to States on an annual basis, by a combination of statutory formula and discretionary allocation. The most recent authorization act is the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
Regulations, Guidelines and Literature
23 CFR, "Highways" and 49 CFR, "Transportation", and 2 CFR 200, Grants and Agreements. http://www.fhwa.gov.
Examples of Funded Projects
Fiscal Year 2016 Colorado: Reconstruct the US 34 Big Thompson Canyon corridor, which serves as the access to Rocky Mountain National Park) from Loveland to Estes Park. Washington: Westbound I-90 between Peoh Road Bridge and Elk Heights Road – Replace/Rehab Concrete Pavement. Construction Contract Amount $17,712,492.11 Maryland: MD 5 at Brandywine Road (MD 373/MD381) interchange construction. The project will be awarded soon. EE$34.2 M Budget Fiscal Year 2016 project awards will be similar to previous year awards. Colorado: Reconstruct the US 34 Big Thompson Canyon corridor, which serves as the access to Rocky Mountain National Park) from Loveland to Estes Park. Washington: Westbound I-90 between Peoh Road Bridge and Elk Heights Road – Replace/Rehab Concrete Pavement. Construction Contract Amount $17,712,492.11 Maryland: MD 5 at Brandywine Road (MD 373/MD381) interchange construction. The project will be awarded soon. EE$34.2 M
Fiscal Year 2017 Oregon -- FHWA provided Oregon DOT $1 million in Emergency Relief (ER) funds to help begin repairs on roads and bridges in Oregon damaged by wildfires. These funds will make it possible for workers to begin repairs and restoration of essential traffic throughout Coos, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Lane, Linn, Marion and Multnomah Counties.
Fiscal Year 2018 Arizona -- FHWA awarded a $6 million Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) grant to the Arizona Department of Transportation for the Loop 101 Mobility Project in Maricopa County. The grant will be used by the Arizona DOT to improve safety and existing capacity on the Phoenix area’s Loop 101 corridor by deploying technologies that support Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) systems, public transportation and other real-time information technologies.
Fiscal Year 2023 Georgia - I-20; I-75; I-85; I-285 & SR 400 - C-V2X INSTALLATION-PH II, CST