Project Background Information: There are over 300 wildlife water developments on BLM administered lands in the Arizona Strip and Colorado River District. Some of these water developments were built in the 1940s, and are critical to Arizona¿s wildlife populations¿ survival. Over the last 70 years, much change has occurred, including: population demands, land management decisions, and technology. Many WWC have failed or have become dilapidated to the point that they are no longer useable to wildlife. More than 70% of these waters were cooperatively built with the AGFD, Non-government organizations (NGO), or private individuals. When fully functional, these facilities provided a vital limiting resource to a wide variety of wildlife, including endangered, threatened, and sensitive species. These sites have fallen into disrepair due to a variety of factors. Drought has put a high stress load on virtually all wildlife species in this arid area, including big game, non-game, and special status species. Project Objective: The principle purpose of this agreement is to improve wildlife habitat within Arizona by offering properly functioning wildlife water catchments to supplement the drought inhibited regions. The objective of this agreement is for the public to gain an appreciation for wildlife and their habitats within Arizona so that wildlife are available for future generations to enjoy.