Agricultural Water Use Efficiency Program


The objective of the Agricultural Water Conservation Efficiency Program is to invite eligible applicants to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing with Reclamation on projects that save water, improve water management, increase water supply reliability, improve energy efficiency, and benefit endangered species. Projects that achieve this by directly enabling on-farm water conservation or water use efficiency projects that can be undertaken by farmers and ranchers remain a high priority for this program. Reclamation and the USDA's Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) are encouraging water suppliers to work with farmers to identify the roles at play to facilitate and/or assist with on-farm improvements that contribute to water supply reliability in the State of California.

General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Bureau of Reclamation, Department of The Interior
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
B - Project Grants
Program Accomplishments
Fiscal Year 2019 Fiscal Year 2019: Program water savings of 2,152 AFY for a lifetime savings of 64,560 AF. The improved accuracy from metering improvements will allow 35,000 AFY water better managed from this program Fiscal Year 2018: Program water savings of 222 AFY for a lifetime savings of 5,178 AF. The improved accuracy from metering improvements will allow 31,000 AFY water better managed from this program
Fiscal Year 2020 Selection of two recipients for a total of $1,658,870 in FY 2020 Federal funding.
Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2020: Two California projects received $1.65 million total in Ag Water Use Efficiency grants for fiscal year 2020. Combined with local cost-share contributions, these projects are expected to implement about $5.0 million in water management improvements during the next two years. The projects will better manage 6,138 acre-feet, increase district-level efficiencies and facilitate farm water use efficiency.
Fiscal Year 2022 Increase in the efficiency of water used for irrigation purposes within California and resulting water savings. FY22 funded 2 projects: The Pipeline Conveyance-Converting Wide Canals to Pipelines Project will convert 4,100 feet of open canals to 18-inch PVC pipeline to increase water use efficiency and reliability and reduce water losses due to seepage and evaporation. The Service Area Canal Reservoir Lining Project will line two reservoirs with high-density polyethylene liner to reduce seepage and improve water reliability.
Public Law 111-11
P.L. 111-11 Section 9504(a) Water Management Improvement of the Omnibus Lands Management Act of 2009
Who is eligible to apply/benefit from this assistance?
Applicant Eligibility
Indian tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water and/or power delivery authority located within the State of California. Those not eligible include but are not limited to the following entities: Federal Governments, institutions of higher education, individuals, 501(c)4 and 501(c) 6 organizations.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Benefits are for tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water and/or power delivery authority to facilitate and/or assist with on-farm improvements that contribute to water supply reliability in the State of California.
(1) A detailed written technical proposal including background data regarding the applicant, such as location, total project diversions, and relevant water use efficiency measurements, a detailed scope of work separating the work into major tasks, including any engineering or design work already completed, and describing data responsive to the evaluation criteria listed in the announcement. (2) When applicable, a funding plan showing how the applicant will pay for its 50 percent cost share requirement, and an official resolution adopted by the irrigation or water district's governing board of directors, resolving that, if selected, it will negotiate and execute a grant or cooperative agreement with Reclamation. (3) A detailed project cost proposal, including a budget with the annual estimated project costs, including salaries and wages, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contracts, and indirect costs, an estimate of annual operation and maintenance costs, and the value of in-kind contributions of goods and services. 2 CFR 200, Subpart E - Cost Principles applies to this program.
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Pre-Application Procedure
Preapplication coordination is required. Environmental compliance for this program may be required depending on the scope of the specific project funded. This may result in the need for an environmental impact assessment or environmental impact statement prior to the commencement of project activities.
Application Procedure
This program is excluded from coverage under 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
Award Procedure
Proposals received in response to the announcement are reviewed on the basis of a competitive, merit-based review process, and are rated in accordance with the evaluation criteria stated in the announcement. Reclamation will make awards to the highest rated proposals based on the amount of funding available each year.
Contact the headquarters or regional location, as appropriate for application deadlines
Approval/Disapproval Decision Time
Varies depending on the type and complexity of the project. Further information will be available for each specific project at the time the funding opportunity announcement is posted on and may be obtained by contacting the Bureau of Reclamation personnel listed as the point of contact in the funding announcement.
Not applicable.
Projects may generally be renewed on an annual basis, not to exceed a total of 5 years. If renewals or extensions are applicable to the project, this information will be included in the Notice of Funding Opportunity announcement. When renewals or extensions are applicable, continuation of funding for these activities is at the discretion of Congress and will be subject to availability of appropriated funds.
How are proposals selected?
Specific evaluation criteria will be included in the funding announcements posted on
How may assistance be used?
Payment terms vary by agreement awarded under this program.
What are the requirements after being awarded this opportunity?
Performance Reports: Unless otherwise stated in the agreement document, recipients shall submit the following reports on a semi-annual basis: (1) SF-425, Federal Financial Report; and (2) Program Performance Reports. Upon completion of the agreement, recipients shall submit a final: (1) SF-425, Federal Financial Report; and (2) Program Performance Report; and (3) other specific reports that may be applicable to the agreement such as property inventories, and patent and invention disclosures.
Not applicable.
All recipients of Federal awards shall maintain project records in accordance with 2 CFR 200.333 Retention requirements for records. Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other non-Federal entity records pertinent to a Federal award must be retained for a period of three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report or, for Federal awards that are renewed quarterly or annually, from the date of the submission of the quarterly or annual financial report, respectively, as reported to the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity in the case of a subrecipient. Federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities must not impose any other record retention requirements upon non-Federal entities, except as noted in 2 CFR 200.333.
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Statutory formula is not applicable to this assistance listing.

Matching is mandatory. The Federal share of the cost of a project or activity carried out under the Program shall not exceed 50 percent of the total cost of the project or activity. Costs of operation, maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of facilities funded under the authority for this Program shall be nonfederal responsibilities.

MOE requirements are not applicable to this assistance listing.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
In general, projects should be completed within 2 years of award. Applications for projects requiring more time will be considered for funding only under limited circumstances. Payment terms vary by agreement awarded under this program.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Regional or Local Office
None/Not specified.
Headquarters Office
David T. White
Interior Region 10, California-Great Basin (CGB-410)
Sacramento, CA 95825 USA
Phone: 916-978-5208
Website Address
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Project Grants) FY 22$792,925.00; FY 23 est $500,000.00; FY 24 est $500,000.00; FY 21$0.00; FY 20$0.00; FY 19$2,000,000.00; -
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Range: $50,000 - $1,000,000 Average: $798,000
Regulations, Guidelines and Literature
2 CFR 200 UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS and the applicable OMB Circulars. These documents may also be obtained by contacting the Bureau of Reclamation Office listed below.
Examples of Funded Projects
Fiscal Year 2019 Eastern Municipal Water District will expand the Tertiary Effluent Pump Station wet well holding storage capacity at the Moreno Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility from 0.25 million gallons (MG) to 9.5 MG. This will be accomplished by constructing 2,000 linear feet of 54‐inch pipe to interconnect the existing wet well with an onsite pond. Increasing the wet well storage and holding capacity will allow EMWD to better respond to agricultural irrigation water demands and will significantly enhance EMWD's ability to maximize recycled water supply to its customers by reducing farms pumping ground water and minimize recycled water disposal. The water savings are 1,692 acre-feet (AF) a year for a lifetime savings of 50,760 AF. The Solano Irrigation District will install water control devices such as Flume Gates, Check Structures and Meters at each of the Vaughn Lateral 5 headworks along with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition controls. Through the metering and automation of the Canal, the District anticipates eliminating the system's average annual spill volume of approximately 460 AFY. The project will also improve the District's flexibility when delivering water to customers by providing automation allowing growers to take water for farm-unique durations, in turn helping to facilitate on-farm efficiency improvements. The improved accuracy by metering will allow the District to better manage the water diverted into the Canal and allow 35,000 AFY of Water Better Managed.
Fiscal Year 2021 FY20 funded: Bard Water District: The Canal Lining Project will improve one mile of the Mohave Canal by lining it with concrete. This project will improve agricultural water use efficiency by modernizing the metering infrastructure and eliminating seepage and spills by lining the canal and raising the canal height. The project is expected to result in water savings of 4,258 acre-feet annually. The total project cost is $1,317,741 and the Federal cost share is $658,870. FY20 Funded: Semitropic Water Storage District: The Pipeline Improvement for Intertie and Recharge will improve the conveyance infrastructure for their B369 System by installing 3.5 miles of pipeline with connections to three reservoirs, five recovery wells, and an intertie. This will allow the district to store water when available and deliver water throughout the system. The project is expected to result in water savings of 2,880 acre-feet annually. The total project cost is $3,693,596 and the Federal cost share is $1,000,000.
Fiscal Year 2022 Water conveyance improvements, canal to pipeline conversion and canal reservoir lining projects.


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